About Us

IIPHA strives to provide a platform to unite and empower the Iranian diaspora civil society

International Iranian Physicians and Healthcare Providers Association (IIPHA) is a not-for-profit US-based (registered in California under 501(c)(3) section with EIN 92-1415767) non-partisan, gender-neutral association composed of Iranian heritage healthcare professionals. IIPHA is a civil action and advocacy association that aims to address Iranians’ social determinants of health on behalf of all its stakeholders and members. This particularly includes tackling systems that shape the conditions of daily life for people, including “economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies and political systems.”[1]

IIPHA strives to provide a platform to unite and empower the Iranian diaspora civil society in order to collectively address issues pertaining to justice and human rights with a focus on Iranians’ health and well-being, whether residing inside Iran or out. To do so, IIPHA follows a social medicine model[2] by trying to understand Iranians’ health experiences, needs, and expectations, participating in the relevant decision-making processes, and designing and delivering proper interventions aimed at improving their health conditions. As such, IIPHA’s healthcare professionals engage with the health issues of Iranians on three overlapping levels:

  1. Individual: addressing direct health needs of patients
  2. Community: collaborating with various communities, particularly the most disadvantaged groups
  3. Society: informing policymaking processes and collaborating with the relevant international organizations

The outcomes of IIPHA’s endeavors will be used to raise awareness and advocate for the improvement of Iranians’ social determinants of health by obtaining an influential voice in the centers of power and international organizations, global affairs, key decision-makers, governmental authorities, and officials, as well as the society at large. Moreover, our findings could assist legal investigations on potential human rights violations by the Islamic Republic of Iran, namely the United Nation’s Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran.[3]

Our vision is to cultivate a cohesive community that offers unique opportunities to contribute to humanitarian and professional assistance, especially after disasters with respect to Iran. Our mission is to monitor, supervise and pertain to healthcare standards and leverage action plans for its objectives. IIPHA is committed to promoting healthcare excellence and fostering professional innovation for its members and Iranian societies in Diaspora and homeland.  

This association will establish affiliate branches in each country. Each affiliation or sister branch will be named based on the country (i.e., IIPHA-Canada, IIPHA-USA, IIPHA-UK, and so on). Each chapter is capable of independently managing its internal affairs. For further information, please refer to IIPA bylaws.

  1. World Health Organization. Social determinants of health. Available at https://www.who.int/health-topics/social-determinants-of-health#tab=tab_1 (accessed Jan 15th 2023)
  2. Bedos C, Apelian N, Vergnes JN. Towards a biopsychosocial approach in dentistry: the Montreal-Toulouse Model. Br Dent J. 2020;228(6):465-468. doi:10.1038/s41415-020-1368-2
  3. United Nations Human Rights Council. Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2023. Available at https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/ffm-iran/index (accessed Jan 15th 2023)



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